The first review of my forthcoming novel, Final Deadline, is out, and I’m delighted to share the verdict from Kirkus Reviews, which called it “An intriguing mystery, exciting thriller, and overall satisfying read.”
“Catronâs novel is an exhilarating thriller anchored by a likable hero,” Kirkus wrote. “The ending is a strong combination of thrilling action and sincere dialogue that effectively completes the surviving charactersâ arcs.”
You can read the full review, including a nifty plot summary, at the Kirkus Reviews website.
 While I’m grateful for every kind word, I was particularly pleased with this reviewer’s attention to the characters. I’ve always strived to populate my books with characters who are as interesting as the action and believe readers are cheated if they have to choose between one or the other.
So it means a lot to me that Kirkus found the protagonist Becket “a likable hero.” What the reviewer had to say about the three gunmen who storm the newsroom meant even more to me.
“The three gunmen brothers are compelling antagonists, each with a distinct personality that leaps off the page. Their political associations give the story grounding, and the author ensures they are complex characters instead of one-dimensional strawmen.”
You can read a sample here. And be sure to watch for Final Deadline when it goes on sale at Amazon later this summer.