
Jackson Hole News & Guide Review

I really enjoyed this great write-up in the Jackson Hole News & Guide. Isa Jones was a terrific interviewer, and I’m thrilled someone so close to the setting of Angel Falls shared my appreciation for the landscape and history – while really getting into the fun of the story. “The story really sucks you in,” she wrote, calling the book “a classic Western.”

‘Angel Fallsā€™ is more than just a Western

By Isa Jones, November 22, 2017


A classic Western is rare these days.

There are books and movies and television shows that spoof Westerns, or meditate on the genre or use it in a modern setting. But rare nowadays are the gunslingers, rowdy saloons and long winters set in a remote place.

ā€œAngel Fallsā€ takes the genre and creates a classic yet refreshing story. Written by Derek Catron, who serves as the managing editor at the Daytona Beach News-Journal, the book is a sequel but also a stand-alone take on life in the early days of the West…(READ the rest of the storyĀ Here).

Buy Angel Falls at Barnes & Noble.

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